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Incode image size? - OxArt Speed Optimizer | Forum

Kenneth Jul 18 '14
What would be the difference making the number higher or lower and what risks are involved if you make it to high or low.
Sardar Jul 19 '14
Hi Kenneth,

This option controls the threshold size of decorative (CSS) graphics to be encoded and embedded in CSS file. The default value is 3 Kb, it means all the graphics which size is less or equal 3 Kb will be encoded (base 64) and embedded in final CSS file. Due to the fact that most part of the CSS graphics are icons and small files the option can dramatically decrease the number of http requests and improve page speed and render quality. So the optimal value for your site depends on the theme you use, 3 Kb is the best for original Oxwall themes.



Kenneth Jul 19 '14

Quote from Sardar Hi Kenneth,

This option controls the threshold size of decorative (CSS) graphics to be encoded and embedded in CSS file. The default value is 3 Kb, it means all the graphics which size is less or equal 3 Kb will be encoded (base 64) and embedded in final CSS file. Due to the fact that most part of the CSS graphics are icons and small files the option can dramatically decrease the number of http requests and improve page speed and render quality. So the optimal value for your site depends on the theme you use, 3 Kb is the best for original Oxwall themes.



So if the theme has lots of moving graphics etc a higher number would be better? If you were to find out what would work best to speed things up how is the best way?
Sardar Jul 20 '14

The main objective is to decrease the number of HTTP requests, so you need to embed as many files as you can. Make sure that most part of your theme graphics gets inside this limit. No need to go upper 5-6 Kb, high value can bloat the size of final CSS file.

To analyze the setting value you can change it, drop the compressed static cache and check out the number of HTTP requests (don't forget to make sure that compressed CSS is generated).

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