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Can't switch to mobile version [SOLVED] | Forum

ox-fr.org Jul 18 '14

At the beginning off my website i disabled mobile version in config.php because Its not ready french mobile version.

After translation done, i reactivated mobile version in config.php.

Now when you access to my website with a smartphone etc., mobile version doesnt work. When you click mobile version from Cellular it reload the homepage.

Please take a look at website and try to enter in mobile version :


Thank you.

The Forum post is edited by ox-fr.org Aug 7 '14
ross Team
ross Jul 20 '14
Make sure you have mobile folder for that theme you're using
ox-fr.org Jul 24 '14

Ok. I have put mobile file in my theme.

I had switched with origin theme because we know it can work in mobile version.

But its the same. It just reload to home desktop version page.

Thank you to light me.


ross Team
ross Jul 25 '14
what software version do you use? have you not disabled mobile version via admin panel? don't you use some caching on your server?
ox-fr.org Jul 29 '14
I use oxwall 1.7
Mobile version is enable in admin panel and config.php
I use Cloudflare
ross Team
ross Jul 29 '14
Probably the caching problem, try to clear your Cloudflare cache and try again. Also try to disable Cloudlare plugin and try again. 
ox-fr.org Aug 1 '14
I have purge Cloudflare cache.

I dont use the cloudflare plugin.

The website can't switch to mobile version.

Do you think phpmobilizer can work ? Maybe if i have time i will install it.
Omari Aug 1 '14
disable facebook connect plugin and try again and let me know
ox-fr.org Aug 3 '14
Mobile version doesn't work if i disable facebook connect.
Alia Team
Alia Aug 4 '14
Can you provide screen shot of your config.php file ( do not include the part with access details to your database in your screen shot) ?

Can you check when was the last time files within ow_core folder were modified?

Just in case, switch back to Origin > enable "DEV MODE" in config.php > refresh your site a couple of times > open http://ox-fr.org/mobile-version URL > do you still see desktop version?

Don't forget to disable DEV mode once you are done.
ox-fr.org Aug 4 '14

1. This is a part from my config.php without credentials
For Aliia define('OW_DB_PREFIX', 'ow_');

define('OW_DIR_USERFILES', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_userfiles'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_STATIC', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_static'.DS);
define('OW_URL_STATIC', OW_URL_HOME.'ow_static/');
define('OW_URL_USERFILES', OW_URL_HOME.'ow_userfiles/');
define('OW_DIR_PLUGINFILES', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_pluginfiles/');
define('OW_USE_CONTEXT', 1);

define('OW_PASSWORD_SALT', '*****');

define('OW_DIR_CORE', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_core'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_INC', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_includes'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_LIB', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_libraries'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_UTIL', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_utilities'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_PLUGIN', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_plugins'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_THEME', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_themes'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_SYSTEM_PLUGIN', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_system_plugins'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_SMARTY', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_smarty'.DS);

define('OW_USE_CLOUDFILES', false);

if ( defined('OW_CRON') )
    define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false);
    define('OW_DEV_MODE', false);
    define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', false);
    * Make changes in this block if you want to enable DEV mode and DEBUG mode
    define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false);
    define('OW_DEV_MODE', false);
    define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', false);

2. last time files within ow_core folder were modified : 08 july 2014.

3. I will do that. Keep in touch.

tammy harris
tammy harris Aug 4 '14
Did u turn mobile on in administration mobile  is new button turn on not off
ox-fr.org Aug 4 '14

Quote from Tammy Did u turn mobile on in administration mobile  is new button turn on not off

Doesn't work.

Thank you
ox-fr.org Aug 4 '14

Quote from ox-fr.org
1. This is a part from my config.php without credentials
For Aliia define('OW_DB_PREFIX', 'ow_');

define('OW_DIR_USERFILES', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_userfiles'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_STATIC', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_static'.DS);
define('OW_URL_STATIC', OW_URL_HOME.'ow_static/');
define('OW_URL_USERFILES', OW_URL_HOME.'ow_userfiles/');
define('OW_DIR_PLUGINFILES', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_pluginfiles/');
define('OW_USE_CONTEXT', 1);

define('OW_PASSWORD_SALT', '*****');

define('OW_DIR_CORE', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_core'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_INC', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_includes'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_LIB', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_libraries'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_UTIL', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_utilities'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_PLUGIN', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_plugins'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_THEME', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_themes'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_SYSTEM_PLUGIN', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_system_plugins'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_SMARTY', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_smarty'.DS);

define('OW_USE_CLOUDFILES', false);

if ( defined('OW_CRON') )
    define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false);
    define('OW_DEV_MODE', false);
    define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', false);
    * Make changes in this block if you want to enable DEV mode and DEBUG mode
    define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false);
    define('OW_DEV_MODE', false);
    define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', false);

2. last time files within ow_core folder were modified : 08 july 2014.

3. Doesn't work

Alia Team
Alia Aug 5 '14
ox-fr.org, everything seems to be correct.

Not sure whether you have tried this already, but remove "define('OW_USE_CONTEXT', 1);" from your config.php file and retest again.

You have mentioned that you did something in config.php to deactivate mobile version in past? What did you change in this file?
ox-fr.org Aug 5 '14
I did it :


ox-fr.org Aug 5 '14

Information : some people with this trouble seems like do the same thing of me. Disabled mobile version in config.php and after reactivate it and at THIS time, mobile version doesnt work.

Otherwise when i can, i will try by erase ow use context 1

Keep in touch

ox-fr.org Aug 7 '14

Thank you Aliia,

Since i erase ow use context , all work very fine !!

Alia Team
Alia Aug 7 '14
=) Glad to hear that.

Just to make things clear for those who might face the same issue.

If you have applied the "define('OW_USE_CONTEXT', 1);" for 1.6 version ( solution was given here http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/15550), don't just change 1 to 0 to activate mobile version. This line of code should not be part of the config.php at all. Completely remove it.