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Enhancements? - OxArt Speed Optimizer | Forum

Omari Jul 19 '14
hi, does this seped up cloud requests from amazon or larger image files?
Sardar Jul 19 '14
Hi Omari,

No, the plugin doesn't speed up work with amazon clouds. It optimizes and uses clouds (if available) to deliver theme and plugin static files (JS, CSS, theme graphics). Starting from version 1.1 it also improves DB performance using table optimization and DB query caching.

Omari Jul 19 '14
ahh ok...so it works with 1.7.....is it possible it can encounter problems with the structure of 3rd party plugins?
Sardar Jul 20 '14
Yes, it works with Oxwall 1.7. So far the plugin had a problem with CKEditor plugin and it was resolved in version 1.0.4. 
Omari Jul 20 '14
ok will be purchasing this sounds good, i like the db caching
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