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Running 1.5.3 want to update to 1.7 | Forum

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Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Jul 21 '14
I own two websites adult and dating, our adult is on version 1.5.3 and the dating 1.7.... the dating one was easy to update from 1.6 how ever we are not seeing a update button for 1.5.3 so question is, is there one and we are missing it or there just isnt one.
  1.5.3.PNG (65.61Kb)
ross Team
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Jul 21 '14
ty again ross sees we had our server do the update via softaculous and now our sites down due to some error we are trying to figure out which Im assuming has to do with them unstalling the ow_install folder so we are getting a error we dont quite get
  new error.PNG (34.77Kb)
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Jul 21 '14
let me add they are doing  the back up we did before hand trying this didnt think updating from 1.5.3 would be such a huge issue lol 2nd try and were still having problems
JB Tech (FoxTechs)
JB Tech (FoxTechs) Jul 21 '14

Quote from Amber S /Liz M ty again ross sees we had our server do the update via softaculous and now our sites down due to some error we are trying to figure out which Im assuming has to do with them unstalling the ow_install folder so we are getting a error we dont quite get

Since 1.5.3, there have been some major code changes to the Oxwall software. This includes the entirely new Oxwall Mobile site you were adding with the update, and the real-time and completely re-designed Photos and Messages plugin. If you're on a small VPS or shared hosting, it's easy to assume it was an error of server overload or too many requests.

It might be best to update slowly, version to version. Just ask someone of Oxwall for the 1.6 update pack, upload it, and then give your server a bit of time and then download the "update package" for 1.7. Using the update .zip files seem to work with less errors more than using services like softaculous or installatron.
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Jul 21 '14
ask who exactly lol and ty fox as well for your help
ross Team
ross Jul 21 '14
Amber I don't understand which software version you have now? Because this error should belong to 1.5.3 or 1.6 versions only as we do not use wurfl library in 1.7 anymore. 

You need to do the backup then edit the file, as in the post I sent you, then try again. 

Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Jul 21 '14
will do so waiting on them to do the back up
ross Team
ross Jul 21 '14
Alright, keep us updated. 
Amber S /Liz M
Amber S /Liz M Jul 22 '14
so went to go go look for the code as you mentioned and the code looks nothing like you posted in the link u sent me .... was wandering if u wouldnt mind taking a look to see what the issue is? why we are having such a huge issue updating from 1.5.3
ross Team
ross Jul 22 '14
attach it here