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Safe to upgrade from 1.5.3 to 1.7? | Forum

IB Jul 21 '14

Just wondering if it's safe to go straight from 1.5.3 to 1.7?

Has anyone had any issues?

Musik Jul 22 '14
I did. I only had one issue and I'm not sure if it had anything to do with 1.5.3:

When I was deactivating my plugins one-by-one as per the instructions, my site turned completely blank and I couldn't access either my site or the admin panel. The only way I could reverse is was by restoring my most recent back up and starting over. I ended up upgrading to 1.7 without deactivating all of my plugins, which I'm not sure is the best method, but it worked for me.

As for what plugin is was, admittedly I was clicking Deactivate one-by-one in the list, so I couldn't pin point the exact one that started the trouble.

So overall, I think you're fine. It honestly depends on what plugins and other customization your site has.