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Request to the Oxwall Team | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Sean Jul 22 '14
Hi guys,

Let me first of all say I love Oxwall, but the latest update (1.7) has been a hotbed of pain for MANY users.

Thankfully, I have the privilege of a dedicated server, where I have a sub-domain for testing updates before I roll them out. Many users do not have this luxury, due to being on small VPS plans.

A majority of the problems have been patched from what I've observed, however there is still the issue of the Messages plugin that plagues us still, and is causing SO much grief for so many members.

Many of these users do not understand how the plugins work, and are now left with slow or unstable sites, the forum is overfilling with complaints!

Please please please can someone from the development team provide an in depth response on how exactly this mess happened, what's being done about it, and when we can expect an update out to resolve these problems.

Ross has told us that's it's being looked into, but this is not good enough, we need more.

As I said, this is not affecting me, but it pains me to see so many users having issues, and little or no response from the dev team. Comments are even closed on the oxwall blog!

So, I ask, can we have these questions answered:

- How did your testing not uncover the Messages plugin loading issue with large numbers of messages?

- How is this going to be solved?

- When can we realistically expect an update?

With such a large user base it is unacceptable to simply stay quiet and close comments.

In the future can we please have more transparency from the development team?

I look forward to your response.

ross Team
ross Jul 23 '14
Sean, I already replied in some topic of yours, as well as in PM, that our developers are dealing with the issue right now. As soon as I got any reply from them I will let you know. 
Sean Jul 23 '14
I know that Ross, but I was asking for some kind of update to the many users here that are still experiencing issues.

Simply saying that it's being dealt with isn't really good enough, when so many users are using your product.

If people at least had some kind of rough idea on when a fix could be released at least they can pass this onto the members of their sites.

Sean Jul 25 '14
So any update on this?
Sean Jul 27 '14
The dev team must be on holiday.
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 28 '14
i hope is soon my server is struggle with 8 cpu and 8 gb ram
i had to turn red5 off to help the poor thing 

Sean Jul 30 '14
Any idea yet when we can expect a fix?
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Aug 1 '14
Well I am not even upgrading to 1.7 reading of all the trouble! Though I would love to have the new photo plugin and the combined chat/messaging plugin... But seems I have to wait until I have a clear signal from USERS (and not just oxwall) that it is running fine...
Sean Aug 6 '14
Is the mailbox plugin fixed?
Daisy Team
Daisy Aug 6 '14
Sean, we are still working on this plugin optimization. The fact is that these optimizations require the software core update, therefore it will be possible to update the Messages plugin with all new changes with the upcoming update only. So, I'd like to request you to stay patient and wait for solution for a bit longer.

Thank you for your understanding.
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Aug 6 '14
I hope you will be testing its performance on a site with some thousand users and messages...! :)
The Forum post is edited by Martin Philipps Aug 6 '14
Daisy Team
Daisy Aug 6 '14
We have big sites for testing, but seems it's not enough. So, we are going to prepare the test site with the enormous content for the testing the site and plugins performance.
tammy harris
tammy harris Aug 6 '14
please test amount of friends 

as the difference for
guest view    7 seconds per page load 
10 friends  13 seconds per page load  
2000 friends 2 minutes per page load 

every time you add a friend chat loading get longer and longer 

Daisy Team
Daisy Aug 6 '14
Tammy, this problem should be solved in the upcoming update. Anyway, we will carefully test the Messages plugin for its performance.
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Aug 7 '14
@Tammy: that sounds scaring, I better stay with Oxwall 1.6, close my eyes for the next 3 months and after that will check here if there is a lasting solution to the problem...
tammy harris
tammy harris Aug 7 '14
the worse thing is iv gorn from min 10 users online max 250 ot min 0 max 30 users online since the update from loading times it took me 3 days solid work to make 1.7 work and in the end wiped clean n done full install to get it to work then 2 more weeks to sort out every second plugin that crashed my site all this trouble n have to deal with dev s that take 2 months to even reply to a problem then they dont have a clue on fixing it or, or just dont care, or answer with stupid answers some dev over 6 months now and no reply to problems, or like the asholes at younett 12 months of every 3 days showing them there plugin just dont work and they finaly fix it and now have updated there plugins for 1.7, that now dont work, and crashed my profile so dam bad was eather have to put full backup in or delete the profile all this crap we all have to put up with can be fixed in 2 or 3 hours of coding simple when updating a plugin or theme have it rename the original plugin say name is myplugin to org-myplugin then load the new plugin on loaded plugin page have are you happy question yes/no set on a timer if no input for 2 minutes it reverts to no answer and removes new plugin and remanes org-myplugin back to myplugin so if shit hit the fan the site will be back online in 2 minutes test the plugin and happy click yes it removes org-myplugin maybe better to keep both files if click no site runs on org-myplugin with a button to switch between them for dev to be able to work on with minimal hassle to site a bit bigger fix would be same for core update rename all folders that are being update to ie org-ow_core have the site run on the org files while new core is uploading when updated have same yes no and like above like above if theres problems site can still run on out setup from the org files
tammy harris
tammy harris Aug 7 '14
theres a problem here with line breaks and paragraphs
tammy harris
tammy harris Aug 7 '14
have a look at other platforms they cashing in on oxwall core n plugin upades i have seen 3 in last couple days advertising big time on are you sick of site crashes every time you update you social network script and plugins and they offering inport users n stuff they all fall short of naming oxwall
tammy harris
tammy harris Aug 7 '14
line breaks and paragraphs didnt work again