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Oxwall needs a much better top bar! | Forum

jeo Oct 12 '11
Please oxwall i rely do want a much better top bar then the one we all ready got now, like a up todate one and more user friendly. For example iv attach some images from some of the most popular sites on the net, like facebook, twitter, google & etc. have a look and then read on how it will look and work great!

Now this is how it should work and look, for our bars owners should be able to edit the color, logo, add link buttons with drop down lists, add rss feeds, icons for links plus have the ability to upload their own & etc.

For default bar should already have a home, profile, mailbox & a friends links placed on it, then the owner of the site could edit the bar or stick with it.

For more info please have a look at conduit.com a place to make tool bars for your pc, it should be based out like that.

Thanks for reading my idea, who's with me on this?
  Facebook.png (3.98Kb)
  Google.png (2.64Kb)
Emil Team
Emil Oct 13 '11
Again, you are spot on. There's a new toolbar (we call it console in Oxwall) in the works. It will be designed from scratch and will be pixel-perfect and the same for all themes.

Since it's an important piece of functionality, we want to make sure users have the best experience with it on any site, on any theme.

It's early to give any time estimates for this but it's safe to assume Oxwall 1.3 will have it in place.
jeo Oct 13 '11
ok thanks very much for letting me know and getting back, but can you please tell me what sort of stuff is gona be on the oxwall 1.3 like features, widgets, updates & etc?

Thanks Emil & the team keep up the good work :)
Emil Team
Emil Oct 13 '11
No info yet, sorry. It's going to be clearer in several product meetings.

One thing for sure - we will continue to optimize and consolidate what's already there to create more integrated user experience.
Michael Leader
Michael Nov 11 '11
take your time.  Better to have little, but working than loads of bling but many bugs!