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Any way to showcase/profile a group? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
GH Oct 14 '11
Groups seem to be in a chron oder.. which is fine for the most part.. Any way to tell a group that it should stay towards the top of the list?
Keelan Leader
Keelan Oct 14 '11
Featured will show, navigate to ones profile and hit Mark as Featured, not very complex doesn't allow you to show first or on main page page just shows on the users widget and browse members page.
The Forum post is edited by Keelan Oct 14 '11
GH Oct 14 '11
Is that something that could be added without too much work?

Keelan Leader
Keelan Oct 14 '11
Marking a profile as featured is already incorporate, navigate to their profile and click mark as featured.

As for displaying feature profile first, you would have to hack the Members widget and make it show Featured before Latest & Online.

Plugin could also be created for this, probs be a better idea.

Not really without too much work, some coding would need to be done.
The Forum post is edited by Keelan Oct 14 '11
GH Oct 14 '11
Maybe Im not being clear. When you click on groups, it shows all groups in chron order.. Id like to be able to tag some groups that they stay near the top forever.
Keelan Leader
Keelan Oct 14 '11
Oh sorry i was getting confused with specific users. Currently there is no feature for this implemented, this would either have to be hacked in or hope that they include this feature.

Im not 100% sure how they order latest but i guess you could always edit DB to make it id 9999 and see if that always put it to the top. Or fake the amount of members.
The Forum post is edited by Keelan Oct 14 '11
GH Oct 14 '11
Interesting idea.. Moving the record to a very high number.. That might work..

Keelan Leader
Keelan Oct 14 '11
FYI im going to take a look at this and see if i can add this feature i'll report back if figure it out.
GH Oct 14 '11
Great.. Thank you so much for the help..

Thomas Cox
Thomas Cox Apr 8 '13
Don't want to dig an old thread, but has anybody created a plugin or anything for this yet?
David A
David A Apr 9 '13
I am also curious
Alia Team
Alia Apr 10 '13
As far as I know, this kind of plugin wasn't created.