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Bouncing emails | Forum

Jobee Bendijo
Jobee Bendijo Aug 3 '14
All the emails my site sends to members bounce (return to sender). I have two Oxwall sites, and they both bounce emails. 

Anyone know what would cause this?

Alia Team
Alia Aug 4 '14
Jobee, within the 1.7.0 version we have updated phpmailer libraries ( ow_liraries/php_mailer). Now those libraries work as they should have been and this might be the reason why bounce back emails started to come now (after you have updated from 1.6 to 1.7) .

Also check replies of other community members to your post here: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/22646
Jobee Bendijo
Jobee Bendijo Aug 7 '14
If "those libraries work as they should have been", then why would it bounce emails?????

Sounds more like the opposite to me. 

Can you change the libraries back to where they are NOT working like they should, so my email will work properly?


Alia Team
Alia Aug 7 '14
>> then why would it bounce emails?????

There are many reasons why an e-mail may bounce. One reason is if the recipient address is misspelled, or simply does not exist on the receiving system. This is a user unknown condition. Other reasons include resource exhaustion — such as a full disk — or the rejection of the message due to spam filters. (c) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bounce_message

When php_mailer libraries used within oxwall were not up to date, bounce emails were being generated, however you were not receiving/seeing them within the email specified in Admin Panel >Settings > Main Settings.

With up to date libraries, you now receive the emails and can take needed actions. In your case, getting rid of all non existing emails such as  www.chix_magnet27@yahoo.com :

<www.chix_magnet27@yahoo.com>: host mta5.am0.yahoodns.net[] said:

    554 delivery error: dd Sorry your message to www.chix_magnet27@yahoo.com

    cannot be delivered. This account has been disabled or discontinued [#102].

    - mta1171.mail.ne1.yahoo.com (in reply to end of DATA command)

Jobee, try sending out any email to www.chix_magnet27@yahoo.com from your regular mailbox account ( ex. directly from gmail), you will receive the bounce back as well. That is how emailing system works in general everywhere and not just in Oxwall. And we can not control your bounce back emails. It is only up to you to keep your mailing list clean.
Jobee Bendijo
Jobee Bendijo Aug 7 '14
I did not realize that particular email was a non-existing email. That is just one of many that I used for a sample. But there are many bounces that ARE existing emails as well. I shall take the information you have provided and try to see if it will reduce the bounces.

Thanks much.

Alia Team
Alia Aug 8 '14
Usually those bounce emails contain the reason why they bounced back. So in case if you get a bounce email, and you made sure that this email exists, let me know and we will check why it happened.