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Google - Connects but says "No User" - Contact Importer | Forum

Sami AlTaher
Sami AlTaher Aug 10 '14

I setup the plugin, and when I click on the Google icon, it authenticates and then I get a page with "No User"

Has anyone faced this?Any idea if I am doing something wrong?



Sami AlTaher
Sami AlTaher Aug 12 '14
Any help will be appreciated please.. Thanks
Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Aug 13 '14
I'm sorry Sami, can you please provide a screenshot of the error?
Sami AlTaher
Sami AlTaher Aug 13 '14


Thanks for the response.

Please see attached image
  google_no_user.png (523Kb)
Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Sep 9 '14
Can you please provide me the screenshot of the the settings page for Google?
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