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mass mail bug | Forum

idea Oct 20 '11
Dear, I sent mass mail on 17th Oct all things happened as expected mail sent successfully and members received it also. Again sent mass mail on 19th Oct msg displaid "msg sent successfully" but non of member received any mail..! #yet after this even today i'm receiving all notifications on time like any comment on profile etc..
Den Team
Den Oct 21 '11
You need to contact your hosting about this, if you didn't change any settings.
idea Oct 21 '11
Please suggest any hack... My hosting provider replied as follows.. " Hope you are doing well!, WE have checked and found that your domain was sending mails in mass amount. So server script will block the mass mails automatically. . Also please note that your account is hosted on a shared server, so you are allowed to send 300 mails per hour or 25 emails per 5 min including all CCs and BCCs."
Keelan Leader
Keelan Oct 21 '11
Move to vps.
idea Oct 21 '11
First read I asked about"hack" to resolve this issue like having / developing a script that can trigger custom number of emails@ custom number of time in mass mailing panel this will save unnecessary spending of money for vpn of a non profit making community.. And that's why opensource project are respected for..
Keelan Leader
Keelan Oct 21 '11
You can hack a restriction from a mail, if you mean to drip the emails so they send X amount X time. Just head over to mail chimp and take your database in csv and upload in there. Its free. But for non profit $50 bucks or less depending on your site is not much. You will make that off a busy site with adsense.
Chris Bezuidenhout
Chris Bezuidenhout Feb 19 '12
@Addenster I can't send mass mail at all, after submit I get a debug screen, when I close the screen I get a message xxx mails send but no mails is received by users.

OW Debug - Vardump

array ( [0] => BASE_CLASS_Mail#1 ( [BASE_CLASS_Mail:state] => array ( [recipientEmailList] => array ( [0] => chxxxxxxxx@gmail.com ) [sender] => array ( [0] => chris@xxxxxxx.com [1] => WhiteBook ) [subject] => Test mail [textContent] => owainglyndwr1416this is a test email from WhiteBook please ignore it To unsubscribe from this mailing list please click here: http://www.whitearyan.com/...e36af59b0a7a92d26127 [htmlContent] => null [sentTime] => null [priority] => 3 [replyTo] => null [senderSuffix] => 0
Mark Feb 19 '12
have u updated to 1.3.1?  i believe that error was fixed
Chris Bezuidenhout
Chris Bezuidenhout Feb 20 '12
I start up with 1.3.1
Den Team
Den Feb 21 '12

This glitch was fixed in 1.3.1. If you still get such error, then you probably have an old version (1.3.0). Check it in ow_version.xml file, laced in site root directory.

Chris Bezuidenhout
Chris Bezuidenhout Feb 21 '12
Okay it seems like the ow_version.xml file did not upload when I uploaded the upgrade so I got a up to date message after I did the upgrade, now I don't get the error anymore only problem my members don't receive the mass mail
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 22 '12
Chris, is the issue with mass mailing only? Do your members receive any other emails from your website? What about Cron? Is it set up and runs properly?
jaime Feb 25 '23