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Can it be done | Forum

crb Oct 20 '11
Hi guys, new on wall and not very good in writing css or website development or any programming but very creative. So got some questions if it can be done on wall or oxwall.
We want to create an frontpage that is build as an review site.
The users that are reviewed should be granted acces to create an profile with a monthly fee. Let say the profiles can be reviewed; by guests or other users. Only the paying users have the possibillity to create an profile. The review site is build up with multiple filters. The users that are reviewed have a link present that sents visitors to the profile page of the user. The profiles should be customisable but only within a standard template. When a user pays credits they should be able to customise or add more features ( like add more page to their profile ). Can i create all the things i want when i have the oxwall software on my server or am i also restricted to use plugins or can i create whatever plugin i can make compliant ? So,
1. Possible to create an review frontpage ?
1a. Possible to create an tool that reviews profiles
2. Possible to let user pay an monthly fee ( saw somebody had done this )
3. Links to personal profiles ?
4. Customisable profiles with credit payment ( let say add photo /signature /link pay 10 credits )
5. Is it possible to program my own widgets, profile pages, feutures when i run the oxwall software ? 6. Can i create groups off members so i can sort membership with different filters ? Thanx in advance for the efford.
Keelan Leader
Keelan Oct 20 '11
yes to all with modification and and plugin development. Check the store for plugins that can help you, e.g. credit/point and billing systems. 
crb Oct 20 '11
Tx keelan for the reply. Will search a friend that can look at the software to see what he can do with it ;)