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Linkify links? | Forum

Curtis Aug 12 '14


So at the minute on my network http://example.com/ turns into a link in status posts, but example.com doesn't. Is there any way to linkify example.com?


Curtis Aug 13 '14
Curtis Aug 14 '14
bump #2 :s
Curtis Aug 21 '14
Bump #3 *wonders if anyone can help*
Curtis Aug 25 '14
Bump #4
Curtis Aug 25 '14
My thoughts exactly. I assume somewhere there must be a bit of code that converts http://link.com/ links into <a href etc etc /> links, but I have no idea where it is.
Alia Team
Alia Aug 26 '14
URLs in Oxwall are processed in ow_libraries/jevix/jevix.class.php.
So you will need to edit this jevix libraries to "linkify" URLs that don't start with or

This modification requires deep knowledge of php and I can not provide detailed instructions on what exactly needs to be done.
Curtis Aug 26 '14
Thanks Aliia, I'll take a look at that file and post my findings here :)
Curtis Aug 27 '14
The only way I could make head or tail of that file was the physical memory references, however that may not even be right. :s I'll take another look at it when I get back from the holiday I'm on.