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Automatic link picture on my own site fails. | Forum

Hati Narcatis
Hati Narcatis Oct 20 '11
I found a really annoying bug.
When you write a comment and post a link to a website, a picture from that website will be shown - thats okay and a nery nice feature, but when I link a sub-site of my own community a banner of my partner sites will show up and I dunnow how to fix that.

Description of attached screenshots:
shows the link I wrote as a test

shows the converted link with partner banner

shows the right side of my website including a the banners (a bit stretched) used for that link conversion.

No matter where I put the banner files (I have a sub folder /media/ created for it), it shows this banner.

How can I change that so that my own website header graphic will show up? Is it a bug? How does this link conversion work?


- Hati

The Forum post is edited by Hati Narcatis Oct 20 '11
  01.png (21.72Kb)
  02.png (54.54Kb)
  03.png (215.29Kb)
Hati Narcatis
Hati Narcatis Oct 22 '11
Any ideas how to solve this? :/
Den Team
Den Oct 24 '11
This is a known issue. With some of the next updates there will be added an option to choose one from founded images on the provided link :)
Hati Narcatis
Hati Narcatis Oct 24 '11
Awesome! Thank you! :)
nyralucas Aug 25 '22
As Graphic Designing most in demand today but it is not an easy thing to figure out sometime.Thus I had an experience of doing graphics for corporate identity.  There are many difficulties at starting period of my learning but later after making my base skills strong it helped me lot to pursue my career.
The Forum post is edited by nyralucas Aug 25 '22