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just one thing... div superposition bug and buttons on profile VERS. 1.7.1 | Forum

pit Aug 26 '14
This is a little bug, not very huge, but necessary to solve.

When I open the profile user, buttons are modified (like it's reported in the changes of a new version 1.7.1) but, you can see in the image attached... the first option "añade tu anuncio" ("add your advertisement", for a ADS PRO plugin) it's not a button, and must be.

The second problem is the moderation button, when is pressed and show all options, the progress bar is on the pop-up menu and cant see (and use) all options.

* One more task for staff team... sorry! 

pit Aug 26 '14
First problem it's no true... it's an confussion "añade tu anuncio" (add your advertisement) it's not a button, it's only a expression who there are not any advertiesement, it's only a text default... then, this one thing is allright!!!!!!!

the second problem it's really a bug.

ross Team
ross Aug 26 '14
Second problem is due to the 3rd party plugin, you will need to contact plugin developer of the profile progress bar to fix this issue.