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error after the update has [Solved] | Forum

Romuald Aug 27 '14
Hello there,
Following is the update I get the error 500 can someone guide me please? I can provide ftp login to watch.
My site.
best regards
The Forum post is edited by ross Aug 29 '14
ross Team
ross Aug 27 '14
Romuald Aug 27 '14
Hello ross
This requires access to the admin party but I have nothing at all access
ross Team
ross Aug 27 '14
enabling debug mode can be done on the server http://docs.oxwall.org/plugin-tuts:enable-debug
Romuald Aug 27 '14
I have already done I can see it again here viloos
ross Team
ross Aug 27 '14
seems like you have enabled dev mode too, please disable it, leave just debug mode. 

as to these errors: 

Message:Undefined index: HTTP_REFERERFile:/home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_plugins/antispammer/init.phpLine:208OW Debug - NoticeMessage:Undefined index: hostFile:/home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_plugins/antispammer/bol/service.phpLine:99OW Debug - NoticeMessage:Only variables should be passed by referenceFile:/home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_plugins/antispammer/bol/service.phpLine:99OW Debug - WarningMessage:mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File existsFile:/home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/theme_service.phpLine:335

you need to disable antispammer plugin, if you can't enter admin panel, do that via phpmyadmin in the ow_base_plugin table, change table isActive from 1 to 0

as to this error: 

OW Debug - ExceptionMessage:Syntax Error in template "/home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/sign_in.html" on line 3 "{form name='sign-in'}" unknown tag "form"File:/home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_libraries/smarty3/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.phpLine:657Trace:#0 /home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_libraries/smarty3/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php(443): Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase->trigger_template_error('unknown tag "fo...', 3) #1 /home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_libraries/smarty3/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templateparser.php(2388): Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase->compileTag('form', Array) #2 /home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_libraries/smarty3/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templateparser.php(3101): Smarty_Internal_Templateparser->yy_r36() #3 /home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_libraries/smarty3/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templateparser.php(3201): Smarty_Internal_Templateparser->yy_reduce(36) #4 /home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_libraries/smarty3/sysplugins/smarty_internal_smartytemplatecompiler.php(105): Smarty_Internal_Templateparser->doParse(10, '??


have you made any changes in the file? 

as to these errors: 

Message:file_put_contents(/home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_log/error.log) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directoryFile:/home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_system_plugins/base/classes/file_log_writer.phpLine:61OW Debug - WarningMessage:chmod() [function.chmod]: No such file or directoryFile:/home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_system_plugins/base/classes/file_log_writer.phpLine:65

you need to rename ow_logs folder into ow_log and set 777 permissions for this folder. 

Romuald Aug 27 '14
here is all the changes are made and always the same antispammer it is not in my phpadmin and I change any plugin
Romuald Aug 27 '14
hi rodd,
I have one error could you guide me stp
OW Debug - Exception
Message: Can not find default theme!
File: /home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/theme_service.php
Line: 229

/home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_core/application.php(793 # 0): BOL_ThemeService-> updateThemeList ()
# 1 /home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_core/application.php(761) OW_Application-> updateCachedEntities (true)
# 2 /home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/ow_core/application.php(158) OW_Application-> devActions ()
# 3 /home/louee124/public_html/viloos.com/index.php(51) OW_Application-> init ()
# 4 {main}

Type: LogicException

ross Team
ross Aug 27 '14
Do you have origin theme? if you have not deleted it, please enable dev mode and refresh the website. 
Romuald Aug 28 '14
hello, I no longer have the original theme in my phpadmin
ross Team
ross Aug 28 '14
Not original, Origin theme, it should be in ow_themes folder on your server. 
Romuald Aug 28 '14
I do not 'have not I search the database to put in my phpadmin
ross Team
ross Aug 28 '14
I'm sorry I don't understand you. 
Romuald Aug 28 '14
Okay I made ​​another instalation oxwall in a subdomain to retrieve line database
Romuald Aug 28 '14
here I put the original theme and database in phpadmin but still the same error
ross Team
ross Aug 28 '14
I noted to look in ow_themes not in the database. Check if origin theme is there. 
Romuald Aug 28 '14
yes I gave the theme with filezilla and I install another sub oxwall daomaine and I took over the base ow_base_theme but still the same
ross Team
ross Aug 28 '14
PM your cpanel and admin details access details
tammy harris
tammy harris Aug 28 '14
you have a tough job ross 
ross Team
ross Aug 28 '14
Romual your ow_smarty folder missed folders and files, I restore them from the original package now it works. Please check and confirm so I could mark this post as Solved. 
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