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photo plugin compatibility bug with safari browser [Solved] | Forum

pit Aug 27 '14

This is a -low preference bug-

With Safari browser in OSX (not mobile), when i open any photo and maximize, then I can't close the image to return at last step. Other buttons or functions are fine, only fails this one.

If i want go out of a screen, i need to clic in "last page" button <- on a brower because i can't close...

One image to understand better:

When all urgencies are solved, take a look to this little bug.

The Forum post is edited by ross Aug 28 '14
ross Team
ross Aug 27 '14
What safari version you have?
pit Aug 28 '14
ross Team
ross Aug 28 '14
What theme is this? Darklets? we tested this in Safari both Darklets and Origin theme, no such issue. 

can you please share your URL and make sure it is open for registration?

pit Aug 28 '14
Ok, I send you a MP
ross Team
ross Aug 28 '14
I could not reproduce the issue on your website. Something is wrong with your browser. 
pit Aug 28 '14
Ok, if you can close maximized images... it's my browser. 

(Strange problem because all other buttons rules fine... only close button!)

I solve this problem open my website with FF.

ross Team
ross Aug 28 '14
I'm sorry, Pit as I said I can't reproduce the issue in Safari, I'm going to mark this post as Solved. 
pit Aug 28 '14
yes.. it's not a problem of platform, it's my browser. SOLVED
ross Team
ross Aug 29 '14
Have you managed to sort it out?
pit Aug 29 '14
Quote from ross Have you managed to sort it out?

With my Safari browser? No, but when i want to see maximized photos, I open other browser.

In the future, if I find any solution to this browser, I put the solution here but clearly it's a browser bug.

pit Aug 29 '14
Other button that no rule fine in my Safari browser is the new option added in 1.7.1, in newsfeed, the "read more" button. When i pressed, don't show the rest of text.
ross Team
ross Sep 1 '14
Pit is it "see more" or "view more" button? Tested them both, both works properly. 
pit Sep 1 '14
yes... "see more" button... but only fails in my Safari browser.
ross Team
ross Sep 1 '14
I'm sorry can't reproduce that. 
Sergio Oct 7 '16
It's sem for me !!!
Sergio Oct 7 '16
Safari 5.1.7 as I can not even download photos or images close
ross Team
ross Oct 9 '16
Share your URL, make sure website is open for registration and there's no mandatory approve enabled.