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1.7.1: Problem with Mobile 'Settings' page [Solved] | Forum

JB TECH Aug 27 '14
I recently updated my website to 1.7.1 today with no errors. I went to click the 'Settings' menu item in the Admin panel, and received this PHP error:

Fatal error: Class 'BASE_CLASS_EventHandler' not found in ow_system_plugins/base/init.php on line 121

Any one else have this, or is it just me?
The Forum post is edited by ross Aug 31 '14
JB TECH Aug 27 '14

I went to go see my admin plugins page, and received this error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/******/public_html/******/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/authorization_service.php on line 1035
ross Team
ross Aug 27 '14
can you please make a screenshot of the spot around 1035 lines in the file and attach it here?
JB TECH Aug 28 '14

Quote from ross can you please make a screenshot of the spot around 1035 lines in the file and attach it here?

I checked the the plugins page again today, and it works now for some reason. Must've been a server-side problem. However, clicking the 'Settings' option in the 'Mobile' menu brings up the default 500 server error. So, I'm assuming the updates took a bit longer on my server and caused a little overload?

ross Team
ross Aug 29 '14
I'm sorry Jake hase your issue been resolved or not? 

Do you still get 500 error? Is is internal server error or e500.php? Have you tried to enabled debug mode to see the actual error?

JB TECH Aug 31 '14
Sorry ross, seems the problem resolved with just a little bit of waiting. Weird, must of been server-side. my bad.
ross Team
ross Aug 31 '14
No problem. I'm going to mark this post as Solved then.