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core update 1.7.1 [Solved] | Forum

James Rainsford
James Rainsford Aug 31 '14

site will not load update 1.7.1, via ftp on website ?

I have tried a few times over a few days, but just keeps trying to load, no error message.

The Forum post is edited by ross Sep 2 '14
ross Team
ross Aug 31 '14
I'm sorry but there's something wrong with the FTP or server, you will need to contact your provider to resolve this issue. 
ross Team
James Rainsford
James Rainsford Sep 2 '14

ok, trouble fixed.

ross Team
ross Sep 2 '14
Thanks for letting us know. I'm going to mark this post as Solved. Can you please tell us what the problem was?
James Rainsford
James Rainsford Sep 8 '14
 am not sure, I complained to host, that I was unable to upload, I believe server as running slow