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Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Alexis Oct 31 '11
Hi, I have two questions:

1. I have made changes in base.css to increase the height of top header (adapting my top_bg.png image to that height), but my theme doesn't chage. Why a simple thing is so complicated? I need help for this please.

2. How can I change the join page, i have my site private and guests can`t go into, they only can see videos and Foro.
my site is http://www.undoso.net (avalaible in english and spanish)

Thanks to Oxwall for this great soft.
Max Oct 31 '11
I just went to your site :
Yours problems seem to be fixed, no ?
Alexis Oct 31 '11
No, both I haven't do, the question Nª2 I want to change the join page with images and a beautiful design  beside de register form.