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Message error send in mobile | Forum

Simone Sep 3 '14

When I try to send a message to user it give me this error. WHY?


Thank you

ross Team
ross Sep 3 '14
Simone, can you please PM me:

1. your admin and Cpanel access details 

2. steps how to reproduce that on your website

I'll pass it to our developers. 

Simone Sep 4 '14
ok i've send it

thank you

Emil Dec 26 '15
Hello, I get the exact error, how can this be fixed?
Emil Dec 26 '15
The text area where the message is written has a light gray color. The error is as follows on submit : [{"form_name":[],"uid":[],"opponentId":[],"subject":[],"message":["\u0417\u0430\u0434\u044a. Oxwall ver 1.7.4

The Forum post is edited by Emil Dec 26 '15
ross Team
ross Dec 27 '15
Emil, what is the version of your messages plugin?
Emil Dec 28 '15
Hi Ross. Merry Christmas. My version is 9100
ross Team
ross Dec 28 '15
Did you customize anything? Any code changes?

If so, please revert the changes you did you see if the issue persists. 

if you have any 3rd party plugins, please disable them and see if the issue persists. 

By the way what theme are you using?

Emil Dec 28 '15
Hmm no changes to the messages plugin. I have made a lot of modifications but non to the messages plugin. I'm using the Sigma theme from the oxwall store.  If I reinstall the whole messages plugin will this help?  Where can I donwload the 9100 plugin?


ross Team
ross Jan 4 '16
Emil, can you please switch to the default theme, Origin or Simplicity and see if the issue persists there?
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