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Error while moving oxwall from live server to localhost | Forum

Guna Sep 5 '14
Hi, I am new to Oxwall. It is simply amazing. I know oxwall is improving day by day. I tried to move my live server to localhost. For that I have followed Move URL. It is showing the following errors. Please help in this regard.

1. My header Image is not showing in localhost URL. Not localhost. I am using origin theme. In Theme settings, I reset the header image and uploaded the header images. Now there is no header image.

2. User avatar images are there in the location, but it is not showing in users admin menu.

3. Once I set 

    define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', true);

    define('OW_DEV_MODE', true);

    define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', true);

   All design in localhost vanishes. 

How to overcome this issues? If there is already answer for this question please provide the url. Then I will delete this post. Thanks

The Forum post is edited by Guna Sep 5 '14
ross Team
ross Team
ross Sep 5 '14
Guna, have you set correct permission for the folder listed in the tutorial?
Guna Sep 5 '14
 I am working in windows xp xampp. All folders are already writable. 

ow_pluginfiles ow_userfiles, ow_static, ow_smarty/template_c

The Forum post is edited by Guna Sep 5 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 5 '14
Please provide a screenshot of the images location, to make sure it is there

as to these

3. Once I set 

    define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', true);

    define('OW_DEV_MODE', true);

    define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', true);

   All design in localhost vanishes. 

never enable them at once, who told you to do that? why you do that?

Guna Sep 5 '14
I am creating oxwall plugin. That's why I set debug_mode, dev_mode and profile_enable to true.
ross Team
ross Sep 5 '14
Can you please inspect the avatar element here: localhost/admin/users/recent and make the screenshot of that page?

Also the screenshot that shows that you set 777 permissions for the folders ow_pluginfiles ow_userfiles, ow_static, ow_smarty/template_c

Zorca Orcinus
Zorca Orcinus Sep 5 '14
Oxwall code has a bug at config.php:

define('OW_DIR_PLUGINFILES', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_pluginfiles/');

Its good for Linux but not for Windows.
Simply change to:

define('OW_DIR_PLUGINFILES', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_pluginfiles'.DS);

The Forum post is edited by Zorca Orcinus Sep 5 '14
Guna Sep 6 '14
Thanks Zorca Orcinus. I have changed the config.php file as you said. But didn't get the user avatar and other images.
The Forum post is edited by Guna Sep 8 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 8 '14
Guna, as I said earlier, can you please inspect avatar with firebug and provide screenshot of the image URL ?

Guna Sep 9 '14

@ross. Sorry for very delayed reply.

These are the user avatar image URL in my localhost









ross Team
ross Sep 9 '14
can you try to transfer your website to wamp? probably something is wrong with that version of xamp. 
Guna Sep 9 '14
Is the path to the image files correct? I don't have wamp in my system.
The Forum post is edited by Guna Sep 9 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 9 '14
Yes, it is, but do you see them when you click the link? or is the image broken?

You can install it from the internet, I mean wamp.