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Facebook contact uploader | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Raymond Sep 6 '14
Hi, just want to ask help how can i fix my facebook contact uploader.

For some facebook friends, they told me that they haven't receive any invitations on their facebook.  While some of them told me that they did recieve.

But when they receive and click the link this whats happening

after clicking the link


Please help thanks
ross Team
ross Sep 7 '14
You need to obtain SSL certificate 
Raymond Sep 8 '14
do i just need 1 ssl cert for both facebook and google?
ross Team
ross Sep 8 '14
Yes, you just need one certificate for your website
Raymond Sep 10 '14
hi, is it possible to use the free ssl certificates? thanks
ross Team
ross Sep 10 '14
You can try, as far as I know all free ssl certificated are temporary
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Sep 10 '14
Hi Ross,

Funny enough i just posted this post, see : http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/25137 and see if you can assist, still on the facebook issue, my email and google impoter works but when i click Facebook there's no pop up like the Google and email one the facebook icon seems unclickable :( Any ideas what might be the issue ?
ross Team
ross Sep 10 '14
Facebook connect or import?
Raymond Sep 13 '14
HI, facebook connect doesn't seem to work on my ue.youclique.com site either
Raymond Sep 13 '14
Hi just want to ask, so in order for one to use the contact uploader, he must buy an ssl certificate and private ip at the same time?
Raymond Sep 14 '14
Hi, is it possible to edit the landing page of the facebook contact uploader?

as you can see on the photo, its too plain.  i hope i can edit it to make it more attracting thanks in advance

ross Team
ross Sep 14 '14
Just ssl certificate, 

You can't customize this page.