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Every User should see each action an status of all users | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Daniel Sep 6 '14

I searched already in this forum and on Google about the in the topic mentioned issue: I want, that each user is able to see every action, status and so on of all the other users in the newsfeed & livestream. Is this possible?

I thought about modifying the table "ow_newsfeed_follow" putting "everybody" in the permission column. Would this work or is there any other way?

Thanks for any suggestion, Dnaiel

Daniel Sep 13 '14
Anyone any idea?
ross Team
ross Sep 15 '14
Daniel, in which newsfeed do you want to see that? Dashboard or main?
Karargaht Sep 15 '14

Does that mean?

Daniel Sep 15 '14
Thank you for your reply!

@ross: I mean the main Newsfeed.

@Karargaht: Thank you! I think your suggestion seems to be the opposite of what I want. :)

David Sep 16 '14

Daniel,i have the same problem.

On the main page (index without login), all activities are shown on newsfeed.

But on the Dashboard (with login), there are only friends' activities.

ross Team
ross Sep 16 '14
Daniel, main Newsfeed already shows activity of every user
David Sep 16 '14
@ross, is it possible to replace Dashboard newsfeed by main newsfeed ?
David Sep 16 '14

Works great, but my file is not really the same ;-)

Just replace NEWSFEED_CMP_DashboardFeedWidget by NEWSFEED_CMP_SiteFeedWidget


Thanks ross ;-)

ross Team
ross Sep 16 '14
Well, you get the idea. Have you resolved your issue?
David Sep 16 '14
Yes thanks to you
ross Team
ross Sep 16 '14
Great! Let's see what Daniel says
Daniel Sep 16 '14
Hi Ross,

thank you!

I do have activities of users in the dashboard newsfeed, but not in the index newsfeed. Is it possible show these activities in the index newsfeed too?

Additional some users can't see activities of friends on the index newsfeed. but they are friends, so they should see the activities. I thought to fix this problem by showing everyone every activity.

Thank you. Daniel

ross Team
ross Sep 16 '14
Probably they set this in the privacy. Do you have this plugin?

I don't understand your request. What you're trying to achieve?