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Welcome & Verification mail | Forum

Marek Nov 2 '11
Hi. Is there any possibility to:
1. disable welcome mail after registration by form or by fbconnect
2. send welcome mail AFTER the mail is verified by link in verification mail?

My users get 2 mails at once (welcome&verification) and probably don't know what to do because they not verify their mail.
Marek Nov 3 '11
anybody? :(
Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 3 '11
Simple answer is no, though it is possible but anything you do to the code will be overwritten in future updates.
Frank Barcellona
Frank Barcellona Nov 3 '11
I agree with Marek.  Users should not get the welcome email until they verify their email.  My users have been getting confused because they think they are verified because they get the welcome email.  I think this is something that should be changed for a future release.
Eddie Hakan
Eddie Hakan Dec 16 '11
my user have this problem too.. after complete and success on registration the page show this.. 

the message 'registration successful' and 'verification email successfully sent'.. my user was confused.. and then they click again 'send' button. after that the page is still there.. and some user click again the send button until they notice they should manually go to the homepage or check their email. (the result two or more verification email received..)

i suggest that after click 'send' button.. the page will go to the main page.. or put some link 'back to home' below the line of send button.

Eddie Hakan
Eddie Hakan Dec 16 '11
well... can i edit this verification page? where's the location..? :)
dhruv Dec 17 '11
i am not getting verification mail also :(

dont know whats wrong!! 

and pls tell me what to fill in smtp settings? can i put my gmail account details there??

i am also getting problem with verification page, it always comes on home page, and site is not accessible since mail is not recived :(
Quote from Eddie Hakan my user have this problem too.. after complete and success on registration the page show this.. 

the message 'registration successful' and 'verification email successfully sent'.. my user was confused.. and then they click again 'send' button. after that the page is still there.. and some user click again the send button until they notice they should manually go to the homepage or check their email. (the result two or more verification email received..)

i suggest that after click 'send' button.. the page will go to the main page.. or put some link 'back to home' below the line of send button.

The Forum post is edited by Michael I. Dec 21 '11
Michael I.
Michael I. Dec 27 '11
This feature will be fixed in the upcoming build. It is fixed already and will be released with the next build.
The Forum post is edited by Michael I. Dec 27 '11
Michael I.
Michael I. Dec 27 '11
And as for the SMTP settings, you can use Google SMTP server but I strongly recommend using one email address for the website to avoid getting into spam blacklists.
Eddie Hakan
Eddie Hakan Dec 31 '11
it's fixed..? thank you.. we'll wait.. ;)
Michael I.
Michael I. Jan 4 '12
This will be fixed in the next build. It is not fixed in 1.2.6 build yet.

Terrosina, what page do you think they should people with emails unverified be receiving?
Bowlo Feb 17 '12
I have a problem with the verification email issue my new users do not receive any confirmation email at all has any one have this problem or knows how ti fix the issue.
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 19 '12
Do you members receive any other email from your site? Check your SMTP settings.
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 19 '12
Topic was moved from General Questions.
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