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Bug with translation | Forum

Mick Tryso
Mick Tryso Nov 3 '11

I made a french install of OXWALL 1.2.6 from the official site.
I then installed French translation downloaded from http://www.geekngeek.com. I allready had this problem when I tried to translate by myself.
When I leave the site in English, everything works perfectly, but as soon as I change to French, many bugs appears:

- Sub menus do not appear in the administration,
- Invitation button does not work or the button "customize this page"
- Etc.

I am forced to switch to English in order to use these functions.

How can I solve this problem? DidI do something wrong?

(this is a google translation)
The Forum post is edited by Mick Tryso Nov 3 '11
Den Team
Den Nov 3 '11
I advise you to contact french community about this. It seems they have some missing/incorrect texts in translation pack. 
Max Nov 3 '11
He have the same issue when he try to clone english and edit it..
But his problem seems solved, he tried with another langage pack and it works...
Den Team
Den Nov 3 '11
Good :)
Max Nov 3 '11
Yes :)
But it's strange cause I am using this language pack on my demo site and on an other site and no problem..