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Something happened to our Featured Fur status [Solved] | Forum

Carol Schumacher
Carol Schumacher Sep 8 '14

I've lost my featured member buttons and can't remove the latest featured member or make another one featured.

Yet the Featured item in members is still there.  Please help because I have to change the weely featured fur today on my dog and cat site.  www.furiendlypets.com


Also Send Message is gone when I as Admin go to see member pages.    However it is there for the members to see.   I also see Block on their pages but they don't see this feature when the user looks top of members page.

The Forum post is edited by ross Sep 17 '14
Carol Schumacher
Carol Schumacher Sep 8 '14
Does anyone read these?
ross Team
ross Sep 9 '14
http://www.furiendlypets.com/user/1234 please approve my account I will check the featured member issue. 

As to the send message, check your user role for the admin, do you have permissions to send messages

Carol Schumacher
Carol Schumacher Sep 9 '14
ross, I approved 1234    I'll check my permissions and thank you if you could fix my issue  I'll be so pleased.
Carol Schumacher
Carol Schumacher Sep 9 '14
Yes I do have permissions to send messages but I have to go to Messages up at the top in order to do so, because I do not have the status bar on the members page to do it.  I have only Block  Send Gift and Add/Remove Friend.    I think I should have also Send Private Message, Mark As Featured/Remove Featured.   
Now the users have Send Gift, Add or Remove Friends and Sent Private Message.   they don't have block.    
ross Team
ross Sep 9 '14
What did you do before you noticed that started to happen? 

Can I have your admin details and FTP access details, please in PM?

Carol Schumacher
Carol Schumacher Sep 9 '14

I clicked Platform update available  update, but I still have the 1.7  version anyway.
admin details  not sure what you mean but I can send FTP details.


Carol Schumacher
Carol Schumacher Sep 17 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 17 '14
Happened due to incomplete updating of the platform, reupdating resolved the issue.