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CSV Plugin [Answered] | Forum

Kelvin {the GodFada}
Pleas everyone, how can I import my facebook friends I have exportet to a CSV File to my oxwall site and make then registered on my site, each time I try to upload the facebook csv file ,b its says error file type unknown. Please help mne
The Forum post is edited by ross Sep 11 '14
Den Team
Den Sep 10 '14
Topic was moved from General Chat.
ross Team
ross Sep 10 '14
Can you please PM me this file please?
ross Team
ross Sep 11 '14
Kelvin, there's something wrong in the Notes column, I have deleted this column completely, as it can't be imported anyway, and it works
Kelvin {the GodFada}
So please what should i do to make it works for me? please teach me step by step on what to do cos i have more of the files to import to my website, please how should i go about it to make it work for me?

Please help me out.

God bless you.

ross Team
ross Sep 14 '14
Replied in PM