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Links Urgent! | Forum

Alexis Nov 5 '11
Hello, I'm having some problems when I try to make a link to a page (html or php) in a subdirectory of my site, always go to error 404 page, I have proved making the link with the Link plugin and with the address  bar of navigator.
The second problem is when I try to insert Custom html, I want to insert a flash mp3 player that works perfectly in a html page, but in my oxwall site, it does not work. It needs a javascript in the <head> in main page setting and a javascript in custom html, that's Ok. So I don't know where is the problem.Thanks for your help.
Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 5 '11
.htaccess will give you issues adding links to files on your server what i did is allow access to a folder on my server with these files in there:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/radios/

replace radio with your folder.

For custom js in the head:
Alexis Nov 5 '11
Thanks very much Keelan, I going to edit my .htacces

But the second issue I have with the mp3 player I can't resolve, I have edited the /admin/settings/page with the jscript code but it doesn't work.
Michael Leader
Michael Nov 6 '11

I know from experience that some scripting can cause the site mainpage to become unreliable.  Google Ads for example broke my main page.  It was not until the advertisements plugin was made available cvould I use it.

If the MP3 script you use doesn't work...  try another script...
Before you add any custom scripting best to create another site for testing before applying to your live site.

AND BACKUP before you do anything.

Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 6 '11
FYI there is an mp3 plugin in the store that works perfectly, i load shoutcast url into it and other .mp3 formats.
Michael I.
Michael I. Dec 27 '11
Maybe Keelan can provide us with a link. There is no mp3 plugin in the Store at the moment.