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if i uninstall newsfeed and reinstall it do lose the all the feed | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
savvas Nov 5 '11

i have been adviced to uninstall and reinstall the newsfeed plugin by mr keelan ( thanks keelan for the help) and would like to know if i do that will all the data on the page from the members on the wall be lost ?





Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 5 '11
Yes and you should stop posting multiple topics. You should just add to the one that you already posted.
The Forum post is edited by Keelan Nov 5 '11
savvas Nov 17 '11
i dont get you do i follow this feed cos i have alot of diff questions do i say them here mate?
Michael I.
Michael I. Nov 21 '11
All data will be lost and I guess Keelan replied to you in another topic. So you should have been asking all questions regarding your request in the topic you originally started.