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New Users | Forum

Joe Nov 5 '11
First - I have tested this using "email verification" & "mandatory user approval". Same results:

- A new user joins
- He shows in Admin as Unverified
- Yet... he shows in Newsfeed as "joined our site" | He shows in "Browse Users" | His full profile is available to all members.

My concern is... anyone can join with any ficticious email, info, etc. Their profile is immediately available to other VERIFIED users who THINK this person has been verified.

Second concern is that new users receive a "Welcome" email immediately after the verification email... BEFORE they are verified.

I think this is a real problem.

Again, I tested this using verification email and mandatory user approval... See screenshots.

  ScreenShot.jpg (230.53Kb)
Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 5 '11
Search the forums :)


Well the unverified bit is due to them not verifying the email which (if you have it set) will not allow them to access the site and use the site. No issue with that to me because they have joined your site etc they just haven't verified who they are.
Joe Nov 5 '11
Hi Keelan... yes, I understand they do not have access to the site. I just feel that no information about new users should be available until they are verified, especially if I have it set to "mandatory user approval".
And then, when I see a user unverified for more than 24 hours, I google their email address and find they are known spammers... I have a real problem with their profile appearing BEFORE they are verified.
I don't know, maybe it's just me.
The Forum post is edited by Joe Nov 5 '11
Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 6 '11
I understand and i too agree that there should be more control over registration etc but as it stands now what you want is not available unless you do or have it coded for you. But if they are known spammers and you have it on mandatory approve then you have no issues. I think its also to do with the fact that as admins we wouldn't see the profile at all as they don't allow admins to see everything as of yet. But that is another story.
Den Team
Den Nov 7 '11
Agreed with this suggestion and added to our TODO.
Thanks guys.