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Failed to upload Pics to Newsfeed [Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Jason Sep 14 '14
I'm facing problem to upload picture to Newsfeed (using admin login) but No problem for TEXT only.
Just upgraded to Platform version 1.7.1 (build 8274)
The Forum post is edited by ross Sep 22 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 14 '14
Do you get some kind of message or error while doing that or after?
Jason Sep 15 '14
I found this only happen to aron facebook theme.. now I'm trying to change to oxwall Facebook The next theme but with invalid plugin archieve error.

  theme_upload.jpg (70Kb)
ross Team
ross Sep 15 '14
Jason, seems like max upload file size on your server is lower than the size of the theme you're trying to upload. Contact your hosting provider to find out the size, match it with the theme size if it is lower, please request to increase it
Akeem Sep 16 '14
if thats not the case you may have to have the guys at advanced tech support via your hoasting to whitelist the ajax file located in yoursite/ow_core
The Forum post is edited by Akeem Sep 16 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 16 '14
Akeem it has nothing to do with the case. 
Jason Sep 21 '14
Wow... thanks ROSS... it is working now...
Jason Sep 21 '14
Ross, I have questions... not sure this related to Shop Pro or NewsFeed

I'm having Shop Pro by Aron, when upload new product, in NewsFeed it just showing the added product url only... I wish to have showing the Product Name with one product photo when upload new product to Shop Pro.... please advise this related to which plugin.. thank you
ross Team
ross Sep 21 '14
Jason, this is related to the Shop Pro plugin you need to contact plugin developers directly to resolve your issue. 
ross Team
ross Sep 21 '14
Please one request per topic. 
Jason Sep 22 '14
Noted with thanks.
ross Team
ross Sep 22 '14
Great. I'm going to mark this post as Solved.