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"More" to translate the word | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Karargaht Sep 17 '14
"More" How can I translate the word?

No setting languages

In addition to photo

  Adsız.png (207Kb)
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 17 '14
i dont understand what you saying but that permission problem in the pic 

check permissions here

Karargaht Sep 17 '14
Turkish language you want to translate

admin/languages, not here

Do you understand now?

tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 17 '14
you will have to find it in English first to find the text key then look for that key in Turkish and edit it 
ross Team
ross Sep 17 '14
Yes, this is a bug and we have reported this it will be fixed in the upcoming releases. 

Meanwhile you can only change it in the code:  ow_system_plugins/base/components/profile_action_toolbar.php.

line 175: 

"label" => "More",

But remember it will be overwritten while next update of the software. 

The Forum post is edited by ross Sep 17 '14
Karargaht Sep 17 '14
Thanks @Tammy and @ross

There's another one from the same problem

pruning does not change

Photo/create new album

ross Team
ross Sep 17 '14
Yes, this been reported as well. Do the search on the forum, before posting. 
Karargaht Sep 17 '14
OK, thanks again.
ross Team
ross Sep 22 '14
you can temporarily apply this fix for More button translation. 

in ow_system_plugins/base/components/profile_action_toolbar.php

replace this

$moreGroup = array( "key" => "base.more", "label" => "More", "toolbar" => $moreActions );

with this: 

$moreGroup = array( "key" => "base.more", "label" => OW::getLanguage()->text("base", "more"), "toolbar" => $moreActions );