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Embed Youtube video keeps playing ads | Forum

Vicki Nov 11 '11
On my video page: http://www.badmintonlocker.com/video/view/3
I have embedded a video using the code youtube gave me:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/W5Rtn-gyI5E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

When I try to play the video it keeps playing an advertisement over and over again and doesn't let me watch the video. I've tried waiting for over 10 advertisements. It just would not let me play it.

When I look at the same video on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5Rtn-gyI5E
It lets me watch it just fine after a couple advertisements.

This happens in both IE 9 and FF 7.0.1.
Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 11 '11
I can replicated this on your site but this is a youtube issue as even if you watch the video on youtube directly it does this. Maybe due to geo location locks or something. Not an Oxwall issue.