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hack of admin console ? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
crb Sep 23 '14
Hi guys, Have a site. Not really used but public. ( spammer country )
I have a strange webaddress on my own admin profile but it is only visible in the admin panel

and how do we get the spammers of the site ?
The Forum post is edited by crb Sep 23 '14
crb Sep 27 '14
Daisy Team
Daisy Sep 28 '14
Topic was moved from Custom Code Modifications.
ross Team
ross Sep 29 '14
What is the profile question for?
crb Sep 29 '14
It should be the admin profile. It shouldnt be a profile question. Atleast it is not anything i have put there.
The Forum post is edited by crb Sep 29 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 29 '14
can you please PM me your admin details and FTP? I'll take a look at the issue. 
crb Oct 2 '14
tx send
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Oct 2 '14
Hi Crb,

Did you import your data from Ning Network CSV File ?

crb Oct 2 '14
tx for reply but nope
The Forum post is edited by crb Oct 2 '14
ross Team
ross Oct 2 '14
Crb, can you please update your origin theme?