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Record Keeping | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Translucid Sep 24 '14
Given the nature of the topics being discussed, there is the possibility for harassment of other users.  Is there a way to keep records of posts, private messages and I presume it is called 'instant messages' between users?

As a use case a person claims a credible threat was made against them.  Person responsible for this threat most likely would delete the comment or post and I have no means of verifying what was said.

A means to keep a log file would be ideal where I could craft a cron job to offload to another machine such logs.
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Sep 24 '14
A helpful tool can be found here http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/253

Steve http://tinyurl.com/coolhost ;

Translucid Sep 24 '14
Thank you, Steve.  The project does not have a budget for purchasing plugins at present.  I had hoped there was a way in the settings or a free plugin for this purpose.
ross Team
ross Sep 24 '14
Only thing you can do in this case is to backup your database on the daily bases. 
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 25 '14
most internet users are savy enough to know to make screen shots of bad behavior 
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Oct 5 '14
If at http://YOUR-SITE/admin/plugins/mailbox the messages mode is ticked as Mails + Chat then you can view PM's and IM's from your cPanels phpMyAdmim...

The Forum post is edited by Kяuncн Oct 5 '14