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Links not posted correctly? | Forum

Alan Nov 14 '11
Ok not sure if this has been posted or what it would be posted as >.< Anyway I noticed that if I copy and paste a webpage, for example Wikipedia, then it shows up but it is missing the icons for it? I think it's icons that it misses. Basically it's missing the pictures that you usually get when posting a webpage link to the "What's happening?" box.
The Forum post is edited by Alan Nov 14 '11
Den Team
Den Nov 14 '11
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Den Team
Den Nov 14 '11
Would you provide us with a screenshot?
Michael I.
Michael I. Nov 15 '11
Alan, we have plans about improving the feature you are talking about in near future.
Alan Nov 16 '11
Sorry for the delay in reply :) 
Michael I.
Michael I. Nov 17 '11
Yes, we know about that issue. We'll add options for members to choose images for the link or keep link posted without an image at all.
Alan Nov 17 '11
Thank you :) I will use images because otherwise it looks untidy and unprofessional or at least does in my opinion lol.