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ftp not working | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Sprintally® Oct 1 '14

in this topic  " http://docs.oxwall.org/...d-plugins-and-themes "

  "  home /public_html " location is look like this but i'm trying to create like this but 1thing come in case of mine  is look like  " home/frnd7o/public_html "

what is different between this two and how to solve this plz help me... 

ross Team
ross Oct 1 '14
The instructions says to remove the username in the path for directories. just type public_html. If you can't do that, contact your hosting provider to assist you with that. 
ross Team
Sprintally® Oct 1 '14
before i asked to hosting provider i want to know how to remove this .. any idea ?? 
ross Team
ross Oct 1 '14
Remove what?
Sprintally® Oct 2 '14
username .. i talked with my hosting provider .. they talked that it can't be changed because it's cpanel username whatever i have installed in a path that does not mean that i can't be use ftp ...  
ross Team
ross Oct 2 '14
What do you imply? You can't delete the username from the path? It's just a text area. Do you get some error or message?
Sprintally® Oct 2 '14
i can successfully login through filezilla but can't be update plugin from oxwall it's not a problem of my ftp account   i mean i can't change my special ftp path is home/username and it's can't be change..  can able to login through filezilla   and can be locate my files then of course it's not ftp problem ..it's just oxwall is not accepting ... don't know why...  i talke with hosting provider and tried results same .. 
ross Team
ross Oct 2 '14
can that user change files and edit them?
Sprintally® Oct 2 '14
my public_html is under that username   like    home/username/public_html  

can be do all things from filezilla.. with that username ..

Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Oct 5 '14
cPanel username
cPanel password

Sprintally® Oct 5 '14
i tried but not accepting results comes like login error user name and password match :/  

this is oxwall core related problem i think ..