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Some plugins needs updating! | Forum

jeo Nov 15 '11
here a list of plugins that i recon needs to be updated on.

1, Advertising plugin) I rely do fink that the advertising plugin needs to be updated so not only admins can post ads but also members to, plus they pay for it to. Ask for more info if interested!

2, Console bar) I will love it to be change completely to a useful one like facebook, myspace, twitter, google & etc, for example on the bar across the top should have link buttons like home, profile, friends, my stuff, search, requests, notifications, messages & etc. it will help hide a lot of tabs.

3, Themes) We need social book themes that let admins edit more.

please oxwall rely do something good for us lot :)
Den Team
Den Nov 15 '11
Please, post all new features suggestions and improvements on our suggest board oxwall.uservoice.com. 
All such topics like this will be removed.
jeo Nov 16 '11
ok sorry about that :)