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Newsfeed API | Forum

Primo Zio
Primo Zio Oct 1 '14
Hi, first I wanna say that this is an amazing plugin.  I was wondering if there is a way to access any given users newsfeed from an external website (like a subdomain of the site).  Is there a place where we can grab the MySQL query or call your plugin directly via an API.

Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Oct 2 '14
Topic was moved from Newsfeed.
Daisy Team
Daisy Nov 4 '14
There is no such API and unfortunately, I cannot provide you with steps on how to make it work the way you need. The fact is that it's quite difficult to create the API which will grab the Newsfeed data because this is quite complicated system that contains several types of data and consist of several stages of the data handling. All I can suggest is to check the /ow_plugins/newsfeed/classes/driver.php file to see how the system handles the data or try using RSS feed generator which will collect the data and then post it at your site.