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Dahsboard doesn't load [Solved] | Forum

Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Oct 6 '14
since about a week, the dashboard doesn't load. it only comes the error message "this website is not available" (in Chrome).

How can I get my dashboard "back"? I don't know of a plugin where I could desactivate and reactivate it...

The Forum post is edited by ross Oct 7 '14
Simone Oct 6 '14
Enable debug and see the errors..


Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Oct 6 '14
I cant get that far, the page does not load AT ALL, so not even debug messages
ross Team
ross Oct 6 '14
I'm sorry but we cannot reproduce that on your website

is this the right domain: http://jambo-congo.net/dashboard ?

Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Oct 7 '14
yes, it is, I already heard from other people that they could load the page, I guess it must be a server load problem, I have shoutbox on the dahsboard, maybe that makes it heavy... at least here on my site I often (95%) can't open that page - others work
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Oct 7 '14
I must add that I am in Africa and have a poor connection :( maybe its just that...
ross Team
ross Oct 7 '14
Anyway, we cannot reproduce the problem. I'm going to mark this post as Solved. 
Martin Philipps
Martin Philipps Oct 9 '14
Yes, others also tell me that it works...

Thank you for looking into it!