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JOIN PAGE 404 ERROR? WHEN EDITING TEXT - "Join our fast-growing community. Find new friends, date up, share photo and video. Enjoy" | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Gavin Nicholas
Gavin Nicholas Oct 20 '14

Hi everyone.


I need some help editing the join now page "Join our fast-growing community. Find new friends, date up, share photo and video. Enjoy!". As the website im making has nothing to do with dating. So could be a bit awkward leaving it on it.


So i go to: SETTINGS > Language > search for 'join'.. i then change the text and click save page and with in a couple of seconds i go to the 404 - this page is not available error page.


Any suggestions?



Gavin Nicholas
Gavin Nicholas Oct 20 '14

Managed to do it.


Instead of searching for 'Join' i searched for 'date' and edited the text in the exact same way and it worked..


Pretty odd.. but yayyyyy!