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Beware !!! This plugin was ! and he raised price to !! Now turn to !!! - Paid Membership | Forum

Kelvin Oct 21 '14
Beware !!! This plugin was $20 ! and he raised price to $39 !! Now turn to $49 !!! I am very mad and disappointed !! Because you never drop price !!!
Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Oct 27 '14
Kelvin, yes that is correct. The price has been increased with the latest update due to new features connected to compatibility with account types. We are constantly working on new updates for this plugin so hopefully with the new releases, you will find the $49 price acceptable for the completed work.

Please understand that plugins related to site monetization require a lot of work. Their development takes a lot of time and we believe that as a results they do worth their price.
The Forum post is edited by Skalfa LLC Oct 27 '14
Kelvin Oct 27 '14
ok. Please tell me some detail about new update. 

And just let you know. Cheaper price you can get even more income. For example : $49 = 3 buyers. $39 = 5 buyers. $29 = 20 buyers. $19 = 100 buyers. 

so which one you earn more money ?? Don't think higher price you can earn more money. Because no one would like to pay. You should know everyone using Oxwall that is because they can't afford to pay much money. They whould like to get some Free plugins or cheaper plugins.

Hybrid Oct 27 '14

You have to think of this in terms of the developer and the man-hours it takes to create these plugins.  Personally, the price on this plugin is well suited for what it does.  It is unfortunate the price increased, but for what it's worth, it still may be under-priced overall...

Think of it in terms of this...If you buy this plugin (currently at this price $49), you will not have to pay for it again - and get automatic free updates when a new version of it comes out - (e.g., new updates, new features, version compatibility, etc...).  You also get the ability to use this plugin and charge whatever you want for membership of your site - so you can easily make that $49 back in no time.  For example, if you have a paid membership created and charge $20/mo. - recurring, all you need is 1 member to pay this for 3 months total and you have made your money back plus some...

Kelvin Oct 27 '14
Hybird ha ha ha ~~ You must be kidding me to charge member for $20/month that is impossible. You must provide very good website to charge like that amount. A lot of huge website like Dropbox, webhosting companies, Netflix...etc. They only charge members only below $10. How come Oxwall base website can make members rather to pay $20/month ? Oxwall still have a lot of issues. Such as privacy setting. You can only set 1 privacy setting to apply All plugins !! That is so bad !! Oxwall must use Facebook or Google+ to learn more about privacy setting.
Hybrid Oct 27 '14
If you have this plugin, you would know what I'm talking about.  You do not have to have it as $20/mo. for a paid membership, that was merely an example.

You can put whatever amount you want.  If you think $5/mo. is fine, then do that, it just means you will have to wait longer before you make your money back for this plugin.

And it doesn't even have to be for a month, you can select however many days you want it to be before your members have to renew their subscription.  (e.g., 5 days, 30 days, 120 days, 365 days, etc...).  You even have the option to allow members to select a recurring option (automatically renews their subscription for them).

Same applies to whatever amount you want these memberships to be for.

If you think this plugin is too much, then don't buy it and move on mate.  There's no need to post terrible things about it.  The plugin works just fine and the developers can charge whatever they want for it.  If you think it's to much, develop your own "paid membership" plugin and charge less.

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