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Aloud wordpress plugins for oxwall. | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
jeo Nov 22 '11
Oxwall will be great if they let wordpress plugins work with our script, cause they is loads that i could use plus other owners too.
Keelan Leader
Keelan Nov 22 '11
It isn't that simple the architecture is different and it will be easier to create plugins rather than port the whole software, this is a social networking software not a blog system.
jeo Nov 22 '11
Ok thanks, but when will they be more plugins in the store cause i will love to have some of the features in the road map and also i keep checking for a wile now and still no update on it?
Michael I.
Michael I. Nov 23 '11
We are working as hard as we can on improving our platform to let people see that Oxwall is trustworthy and reliable product. By doing this we're interfering developers into creating their own plugins for Oxwall. And of course we are working on creating our own features and plugins. You can suggest your plugins at http://oxwall.uservoice.com/forums/13756-suggest-ideas
Trust me - Oxwall will have everything a modern social networking website needs. Just give us some time.
Michael Leader
Michael Nov 23 '11
Backing up and having a rollback before adding ANYTHING to your site is good practice.
Michael I.
Michael I. Nov 23 '11
We are not responsible for third-party plugins but I agree that our Store needs some moderation tool. We are concerned about our Store and will be adding a pre-moderation soon so that all plugins are thoroughly checked before getting posted. And of course you are wrong about Oxwall turning into a garbage. It has a bright future ahead and it's a pity you don't see it.
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