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Using the Link componet | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
zack Oct 23 '14

1. Can anybody share some information on how to edit or delete a link or event when its applied.

As well as were is the settings that only allows the admin only to post a event or link. I have been playing around with this an I could not delete the event or link. 

Lastly from the main page if you  click the first text in the link or event section on the sidebar it doesn't open up an new window but uses the same window as my website.  But if you click into the event in the second text it does take you to the event or link page in which you can click the link there and at that time it does open up a second window.

ross Team
ross Oct 23 '14
To edit/delete the event you need to go to the event page itself

To edit/delete link you need to click on the the date next to the name of the link creator

As to this one: 

Lastly from the main page if you  click the first text in the link or event section on the sidebar it doesn't open up an new window but uses the same window as my website.  But if you click into the event in the second text it does take you to the event or link page in which you can click the link there and at that time it does open up a second window.

what do you mean by first text and second text, please provide screenshots.