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Adsense Code in HTML widget [Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Sakhawat Elahi ShibLee
Hi, I tried to add Adsense Code in HTML widget. But its not showing ads in widgets. What can I do?
The Forum post is edited by ross Nov 9 '14
Daisy Team
Daisy Nov 3 '14
Topic was moved from Custom Code Modifications.
ross Team
ross Nov 3 '14
Provide the adsense code you're using?
Sakhawat Elahi ShibLee
Oh, Its ok now. The check box "Convert new line to <br />" was checked. So the code was changed automatically. No its ok after I unchecked the option.

ross Team
ross Nov 9 '14
Great. Thanks for letting us know.