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Trouble switching domain names[Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
JB TECH Oct 26 '14
Fixed. Left my debug errors for anyone else that might find this problem facing them as wel:

OW Debug - NoticeMessage:Undefined index: pathFile:/mysite.ws/ow_utilities/url.phpLine:101OW Debug - WarningMessage:mb_strpos() [function.mb-strpos]: Empty delimiterFile:/mysite.ws/ow_utilities/url.phpLine:108OW Debug - NoticeMessage:Undefined index: pathFile:/mysite.ws/ow_utilities/url.phpLine:101OW Debug - WarningMessage:mb_strpos() [function.mb-strpos]: Empty delimiterFile:/mysite.ws/ow_utilities/url.phpLine:108

read post #2 for solution

The Forum post is edited by ross Oct 26 '14
JB TECH Oct 26 '14

It turned out to be a really simple mistake. I just had to add a back slash (/) to the end of the new domain right after .com for the value of OW_URL_HOME.

Which is strange none the less since my last domain didn't require it but as long as it works..

ross Team
ross Oct 26 '14
Thanks for letting us know.