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How to Change the Copyright Text[Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
B.I. Oct 29 '14

I have scoured these forums and can find nothing, but people yelling about the attribution. I couldn't give ten thousand flips about that thing. I'm fine with showing my support of Oxwall. What I need is to be able to change the text located in the foot (with ease preferable. I mean I know HTML, but I'm not great at it and don't even mention CSS I don't have a clue on that.)

Anyway, can someone please tell me how to edit the text AND possibly add in  the security seals such as from norton, macafee, 6Scan, etc. I would hope it would be as easy as move some stuff around and place in the code but I'm sure it probably isn't.
The Forum post is edited by ross Oct 29 '14
ross Team
ross Oct 29 '14
Copyright text is the name of your website. It can be changed here: yoursite.com/admin/settings

the security seals can be added here: admin/settings/page in the custom tail code text area which support HTML

B.I. Oct 29 '14
So I can't add the "some rights reserved." or " All rights reserved." to it nor add the year (or in my case Years) of ownership?
ross Team
ross Oct 29 '14
In this case you will need to do that in the files

ow_themes/your current theme/master_pages/dndindex.html

ow_themes/your current theme/master_pages/general.html

find this piece of code: 

<div class="ow_copyright">{text key='base+copyright'}</div>

and replace it with this one 

<div class="ow_copyright"><p>&copy;Copyright 2008-2014</p></div>

at the bottom of the page

you can insert anything you want between p tags

then enable dev mode and refresh the page, then disable dev mode

ross Team
ross Oct 29 '14
Chris +1