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Usergroups - User Credits | Forum

James Oct 30 '14
Ok, if you have to uncheck for the credits to take over. Then how do you have different settings for different usergroups? I have a free group and a VIP group.

I want the VIP members to pay to send messages but I do not want the free members to send messages at all. How would I go about setting that? I have to uncheck the send message in the permissions to have VIP get charged and if I check the free group then they can send for free?
I do not have different rolls on the credits or see a way to make them up.
Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Dec 4 '14
James, please check out the explanation in this thread: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/27556?page=1#post-125906

If it does not help, please provide me with more details on how your site is configured and how it should work - I will try to find the proper solution for you.

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