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Mass Mail Send - Showing Blank Screen | Forum

TeamX Nov 2 '14
We have 20,000+ users, so when we send a email to all of our members , after writing the email, and click send its showing blank white screen. What to do.
Abbey Nov 2 '14
I have a similar issue but mine is showing 500 error
tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 2 '14

Quote from Stanly Stephen We have 20,000+ users, so when we send a email to all of our members , after writing the email, and click send its showing blank white screen. What to do.
sounds like your php is time out you need increase the time 
tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 2 '14

Quote from Abbey I have a similar issue but mine is showing 500 error
enable debug you will get the problem 
ross Team
ross Nov 2 '14
Abbey what kind of 500 error you get?

Stanly, you need to check the error logs, probably something is there related to the issue. And keep debug mode on while mass mailing in order to catch the error.

Keep us updated

Abbey Nov 3 '14

Quote from ross Abbey what kind of 500 error you get?

Stanly, you need to check the error logs, probably something is there related to the issue. And keep debug mode on while mass mailing in order to catch the error.

Keep us updated

Hi, not the normal 500 internal server error just a 500 page... I think.... the emails sent if that counts.
ross Team
ross Nov 3 '14
In this case you need to contact your hosting provider to resolve your issue, as this is some server-related issue. 
Abbey Nov 3 '14
cool..... always nice to know
ross Team
ross Nov 3 '14
Stanly has your issue been resolved or not?
The Forum post is edited by ross Nov 3 '14
TeamX Nov 4 '14

Quote from ross Stanly has your issue been resolved or not?
I have enabled the Debug mode on and look for the error, but still its showing the blank screen. Now let me check the Logs
ross Team
ross Nov 4 '14
If there's nothing related to the issue, please PM me your admin and Cpanel access details. 
TeamX Nov 5 '14
i have send the cpanel and 0xwall admin details t0 y0ur PM
TeamX Nov 5 '14

Quote from ross If there's nothing related to the issue, please PM me your admin and Cpanel access details. 
Have u fixed it,...
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Nov 5 '14
Stanly Stephen,

Troubleshooting is not an easy task and ross must have some other forum work too, So please be patient while he is solves your problem.

ross Team
ross Nov 5 '14
Stanly I get 500 internal server error when I do mass mailing for all users, this is server related issue, you need to contact your hosting provider to resolve this issue. See screenshot. 

TeamX Nov 5 '14